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How to Use Google Sheets, Docs, or Slide Offline?

Updated: May 9, 2019

If you aren't connected to the internet, while travelling, or have a bad internet connection you can still create, view and edit files offline on Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides within Google Drive.

Like in Gmail, you can now access and work on your files on Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides offline. Within offline mode, it's now possible to create, edit and comment on these files.

Please note that any changes made to files while offline will sync in Drive once the user is connected to the internet again.

How Admins can enable this feature for all or some users:

  • To let users enable offline access (recommended)

Apps > G Suite > Drive and Docs.

When you enabled offline access, also automatically and intelligently makes a certain number of Google Docs/Sheets/Slides files available offline based on how recently you accessed them.

You can preview which files are already available offline automatically using the offline preview mode. You can also mark a file available offline, so that it always remains available offline, while in offline preview mode, as long as you are connected.

How to manually select your specific files available offline:

To work with your files while offline, you’ll need to enable offline access in your Drive settings

  1. Open the Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides from Google Drive.

  2. Click the gear icon at the top right corner, select Settings > General

  3. Select Sync Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings files to this computer so that you can edit offline.

A check mark icon will appear in the top right next to Settings (gear icon) and Support (question mark). When you click this icon, you can find the offline preview toggle. 

Please note that extended roll out will be potentially longer than 15 days for feature visibility starting on May 21, 2019.

Let us know what you think in this new update!




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